Showing posts with label POT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label POT. Show all posts

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Ply-Split Braided Linen Belt #2.

Ply-Split Braided Linen Belt #2.

(Note: the colours of this belt are Cobalt Blue and Citrus Green, but due to the light the green colour looks washed out in the photos! however; the last photo here taken during the making shows the correct colours) 

Made with my own hand made Linen cords, total length 1100mm including buckle, width 42mm.
The buckle is a stainless steel roller buckle.

The braid is a 24 strand, 4 section SCOT (single course oblique twining) braid, a 6 strand, 2 section SCOT braid keeper loop, and the end of the belt is finished with a 2 section SCOT braid.

A perfec fit! also shown with one of my conquistadors braid belt loop watch straps, I hate wearing a watch on my wrist.

Close up showing the buckle detail, the SCOT (single course oblique twining)  keeper loop, which is spliced in to the belt itself, and the tip of the belt, of which the ends are all spliced back into the belt braid.

The belt can be pierced at any point along its length by pushing the prong through the braid. When you decide to change the length the old hole will close up with a simple wiggle of the braid.

Showing the very neat edge of the braid created by the Ply-Splitting process.

(This picture shows the correct colours of the belt)
Showing the Braiding process in progress, using one of my hand made Grip Fids, several strands are first split with the tool and then a single cord pulled back through. This process is repeated well over 1000 times in the making of this belt.

You can see more of my Ply Split work here:
Thanks for looking.
Take care,
Barry ;-)

Friday, 20 July 2012

More Ply- Split Braiding.

Ply-Split Braided Linen Belt.

Made with my own hand made Linen cords, total length1075mm including buckle, width 42mm.
The buckle is a stainless steel roller buckle.

The braid is a 24 strand, 4 section SCOT (single course oblique twining) braid, a 5 strand POT (plain oblique twining) keeper loop, and the end of the belt is finished with a 2 section SCOT braid.

A perfect fit! also shown with one of my conquistadors braid belt loop watch straps, I hate wearing a watch on my wrist.

Close up showing the buckle detail, the POT (plain oblique twining) keeper loop which is spliced in to the belt itself, and the tip of the belt, of which the ends are all spliced back into the belt braid.

The belt can be pierced at any point along its length by pushing the prong through the braid. When you decide to change the length the old hole will close up with a simple wiggle of the braid.

Showing the very neat edge of the braid created by the Ply-Splitting process.

Ply-Split Braided bag strap.

Made with my own hand made Axminster wool cords, total length 1480mm, width 62mm.
The braid is a 24 strand, 4 section SCOT (single course oblique twining) braid
 The ends are spliced back into the braid and the starting rod was replaced by a cable laid cord with the ends finished in Manrope knots.
The bag that this strap is intended for is still on the drawing board! ;-?

Showing the very neat edge of the braid created by the Ply-Splitting process.

You can see more of my Ply Split work here:
Thanks for looking.
Take care,
Barry ;-)