Saturday, 17 April 2021

Cord Making Machines.

 How Do All,

I have been busy making tools the past few weeks for customers in various parts of this small world.

Here are a few of my recent cord making machine sets, all now gone, but more are being made in my small workshop and are available to order. 
Details can be found here:  Tools and Materials Shop

Ideal for making your own cords for Ply-Split Braiding & all other Cord Crafts.
Please see my Ply-Split Braiding page for examples of some of the items I make using my own hand made cords.

This machine quickly and efficiently makes cords from all kinds of yarns, including toilet paper and plastic bags if you like, made to your own diameter preference and firmness of lay from soft to super hard,  S or Z laid cord can be made, mixed colour or mixed yarn cords can be made. You are only limited by your imagination and whatever yarn you have.

These machine are designed and completely hand made by myself from the finest materials in my small workshop. I use these very machines myself and I have been making and using them for over 10 ten years without failure.

These outends are made from recycled Oak, some of which had some nice oil? stains.
The wood is sanded and sealed with several coats of shellac.

Detail of the brazed hooks.

Making a 10 meter sample of 10mm diameter sisal rope, made with very fibrous packing twine.

Thank you for looking,
Take care,

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