Showing posts with label Knot Tyer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knot Tyer. Show all posts

Saturday, 17 April 2021

Some New Grip Fids.

How Do All,
Whilst busy making cord making machines, I also made up some Gripfids for a customer to go with their machine, which they requested the handle to be left off so that they may possibly carve their own. 
Whilst I was at it I decided to make a new set of Gripfids for myself as I sold all but one of mine to a customer that was desperate to get hold of them. 
There are 1/4", 5/16" ,3/8" and 1/2" diameter Gripfids here.
I also made a small 1/4" double ended Gripfid which I am sure will prove unnecessarily useful! 

I covered one of my smaller Gripfids with a 5 Pass, Type 5 Pineapple Knot, with a varied interweave.
I love these knots, probably my favourite knot to tie and I tie them with no instructions, just straight out of my head and into my hand.

Along side a large covered net float which I found on Walney Island many years ago. 
this is another Pineapple knot with a varied interweave.

Like a star flower

The knot is made up from 5 separate 6 bight x 7 lead Turk's-Head Knots or Casa Knot if you like.
Tied in 1.5mm polypropylene twine.

Thank you for looking.
Take care,

Friday, 26 February 2016

Knotty Bear getting all Knotty again!

How Do All ;-)

So, it's been a while since I did anything new on the knotting front, and when I get the urge to tie something I don't hold back!
I decided to tie a long pineapple knot with a varied pattern, just to make sure I was still on top of my game.

Below is a picture the finished Pineapple Knot being examined by Buddha.
I think he probably approves.

This is a 90 part x 48 bight, 6 Pass, Type 6 Pineapple Knot, with a varied interweave, tied over a beach combed fishing net float which I found on the beach near my old home town of Barrow-In-Furness

There are loops at each end formed from one long length of 10 strand trapezoidal braid U6, O2, spliced and stitched into a continuous strop.

There are two 12 part x 12 bight, 2 Pass, Type 2 Pineapple Knots sitting either side of the main knot, with a foundation of 8 bight, Single Strand Matthew Walker Knots.

All tied in 1.5mm line.

The braiding of the 10 strand trapezoidal braid in my braiding clamp.

The total length is 190 mm (7.5") x 45 mm (1.75") This would make one very large and very buoyant key fob for your boat keys, or a very nice light or fan pull handle, or the grip on a dirty bag, etc. etc..

The main Pineapple Knot is actually made up from 6 separate 15 part x 8 bight Turk's-Head knots, these are all interwoven into one single knotted covering. the fact this has a varied pattern makes it that much more special.

If you are a Knot Tyer and wish to try your hand at this interweave, or at least one very similar which is easily altered to make this interweave, bearing in mind you should be at least able to tie a standard multi pass Pineapple Knot, then please check out my help tutorial here: Pineapple Knot interweave tutorial. please note, this link will open a new window!

A close up of the finished Pineapple Knot, being examined by Buddha and in my hand for an idea of size

Thank you for looking,
Take care,
Barry ;-)

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

More Fids For Sale!

How Do All ;-)

I have some Wood Fids for sale, these spikes were made by the Late Bud Brewer, a friend and fellow Knot Tyer from Colorado. you can see all the details in my Etsy Shop

A Fid / Marlinespike is an indispensable tool for the tying of decorative or practical knots.
Whether tightening a simple Turk's-Head knot, Splicing a hefty rope or dressing the most complicated covering knots, a hand crafted spike like this will make the job a cinch! 
A Fid / marlinespike is also a great tool for undoing tight or stuck fast knots, and with the aid of a Marlinespike Hitch is a great hand hold for tightening constrictor knots, whippings and the like.

This Fid is turned from Apple wood, and was turned whilst green.
The wood is treated with a clear oil / shellac, and has a slightly flattened tip, to aid with insertion between strands. and grip on the cord.

The total length of the tool is 225mm or 8.75"

This hand crafted Fid is turned from Beech wood, is treated with a Danish oil.
There is a recessed section in the handle to accommodate a nice section of hitching, grafting of a nice wide Turk's-Head Knot.
The total length of the tool is 190mm or 7.5"
(Note: this last tool was not made by Bud Brewer)
This Fid is turned from ? wood, (Sorry I am not sure exactly what type of wood this is) 
The wood is treated with a clear oil / shellac, and has a slightly flattened tip, to aid with insertion between strands. and grip on the cord. 
The total length of the tool is 245mm or 9.75"

This Fid is turned from a very beautiful looking wood, (sorry but I am unsure exactly what type of wood it is)
The wood is treated with a clear oil / shellac, and has a slightly flattened tip, to aid with insertion between strands. and grip on the cord. 
the handle of the Fid has a nice, long Spanish Ring Knot tied just below the knob. 
The total length of the tool is 225mm or 8.75"

Please contact me if you have any questions: knotty (dot) bear (at) gmail (dot) com

Please check out my Etsy Shop for more items.

Thank you for looking.
Take care,
Barry ;-)

Monday, 5 November 2012

Some Marlinespikes, For Sale!

How Do All ;-)

I have some Marlinespikes for sale, these spikes were made by the Late Bud Brewer, a friend and fellow Knot Tyer from Colorado. 

A Marlinespike is an indispensable tool for the tying of decorative or practical knots.
Whether tightening a simple Turk's-Head knot, or dressing the most complicated covering knots, a hand crafted spike like this will make the job a cinch! 
A marlinespike is also a great tool for undoing tight or stuck fast knots, and with the aid of a Marlinespike Hitch is a great hand hold for tightening constrictor knots, whippings and the like.

All of these spikes have now been sold!
Thank you all for your interest and thank you very much to all that purchased these tools, I hope you have many years of enjoyment from them, and spare a thought for the maker Bud when using them ;-)

This spike is turned from Stainless Steel, and has a Tee handle in turned Stainless Steel.
The knotted decoration on the handle is a Turk's-Head knot tied in Red 1.5mm line.
The total length of the tool is 133mm or 5.25"

This spike is turned from Stainless Steel, has brass ball at the top of the handle, and has a slightly flattened tip, to aid with insertion between strands. and grip on the cord. 
The knotted decoration / handle covering is a Chevron knot tied in Yellow and Charcoal 1.5mm line.
The total length of the tool is 165mm or 6.5"

This spike is turned from Stainless Steel, and has a long slender point.
The knotted decoration / handle covering is a long, 4 bight Pineapple knot, tied in small 1mm Silver line.
The total length of the tool is 140mm or 5.5"

This spike is turned from Stainless Steel, has brass ball at the top of the curved handle, and has a flattened tip, to aid with insertion between strands. and grip on the cord. 
The knotted decoration / handle covering is a long 8 bight 2 colour Gaucho weave Turk'sHead knot in Olive Green and Light Green in 1.5mm line.
The total length of the tool is 155mm or 6"

This mini spike is turned from Stainless Steel, and has a flattened point with a brushed stainless finish, 
The knotted decoration / handle covering consists of a large Pineapple knot at the top followed by a Spanish Ring knot, and lastly a smaller Pineapple knot, all tied in small 0.8mm cream line.
The total length of the tool is 67mm or 2.6"

This spike is turned from Stainless Steel, and has a slightly flattened tip, to aid with insertion between strands. and grip on the cord.
The knotted decoration is a Spanish Ring Knot tied in small 0.8mm line.
The total length of the tool is 140mm or 5.5"

This spike is turned from Stainless Steel, and has a long slender point.
There is a small ring silver soldered at the top of the handle for attachment to a lanyard, key chain or necklace.
The knotted decoration / handle covering is a Pineapple knot, tied in small 0.8mm Blue line.
The total length of the tool is 120mm or 4.75"

Thank you for looking.
Take care,
Barry ;-)

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Single Strand Matthew Walker Knots.

Here is a picture of a 21 bight Single Strand Matthew Walker knot made with 3mm Bitumee; a tarred nylon solid braid.
This knot was made using the same method described below.
Essentially this knot is nothing more than a collection of carefully interlinked overhand knots in a single line, the trick is in the dressing.
The knot pictured has not been painted or stiffened it is pretty much self-supporting if you handle it with care.

I hope this article sheds a little light on the making of this very handsome and practical knot.

Single Strand Matthew Walker Knots.
(Edited from an article published in Knotting Matters 102)

How Do All ;-)
With reference to an article by Mr John Halifax in KM #95, page 16 “The Single Strand Matthew Walker Ring Knot” and also an addendum to the afore mentioned article in KM #96 page 8 in which John asks; “ if anyone has knowledge of this concept of ring knots, please speak up.”

I am very sorry for my very late reply to this question (too busy getting side tracked with other things).
I had asked a similar question a few years back when I submitted what I thought could be a new knot (a single strand Matthew Walker) to Nigel Harding as I could not find any other reference to this type of knot in any of the available material at the time.
I had also browsed the Knotting Matters index published eons ago and found a reference to a single strand Matthew Walker knot in KM # 42, published in early 1993 so I also asked Nigel if he could check this issue for me to see if the knot I had ended up with was the same as the one mentioned.

Nigel was very kind and made me a copy of KM 42 so I could take a look and decide for myself, on page 27 was a large heading at the top of the page “Single Strand Matthew Walker” The article was written by Neil Hood and his diagrams are dated April 1991.
This was the very same type of knot I had made and tried to submit to Nigel. This type of Single Strand Matthew Walker knot can be made with as many passes as is required, so making a full tucked Matthew Walker knot with anything from One to a Hundred or more Spiralling strands is possible with just one single strand, no need to find somewhere to hide all those ends so making for a very useful knot to decorate bell ropes, lanyards and the like.

Also worth noting is the fact that when braiding some Turk’s-Head knots the first few passes made can be a single strand Matthew Walker knot in their own right; like the 3 pass Headhunter’s knot for instance, (see Bruce Grant’s “ Encyclopedia of Rawhide and Leather Braiding”, Page 413, figure.1) this figure is actually depicting a 3 pass single strand Matthew Walker knot, if you continue this knot by going over all at the front (going down) and under all at the back (going up) you can enlarge this single strand Matthew Walker to any size you like.

Here is a diagram I made in 2005, using Bruce Grant’s drawings of a Headhunter’s knot of two passes as my base drawings.
My drawing shows how to tie a full-tucked 6 pass, single strand Matthew Walker knot.
If you decide try this knot for yourself please let me know what you think and if possible please send me a photo ;-)

Note: I make these knots over a plain tube or mandrel, I do not use pins or any other method to guide the knot other than holding the bights with my hands, alternatively you can use a pinned tube or mandrel if you prefer.